Katringa (aka. Kat, Kati, Katy, Katrings, KATTEH, Kay, Jat, Jatr, Mat) is a chairwoman of t3h board. To everyone's surprise, Kat is a better and more popular dancer as a zombie than she was as a human. (She was a backup dancer in Michael Jackson's Thriller, she was also his nose.)
She looks something like this:

There are conflicting reports however that she may look something like this:

how your soft, cakey texture warms my heart
your perfectly shaped icing brings a smile to my face
as I unleash my passionate hunger upon you and tear you to pieces
bleeding a rainbow of sprinkles onto my previously clean eating surface.

A family portrait (July, 1997)

Katringa's second cousin. For the most part, s/he has little to do with that side of the family.

Katringa and the Nebtowners - a guide trough the virtual jungle By Clarence
Clarence: Hi, my names is Mr. Clarence
Clarence: i will be your guide to this amazing tour around the mind of Katringa
Clarence: Katringa may also be known as "Kat" or "KatLatte"
Clarence: but most peaple refers to her as: "That girl knows more E2 thant me - *Mingebag discconected form the game (Fcuk gmod, i suck)"
Clarence: The Katringa belongs to the "Nebtowners" species, or to the "Nebbies", as a cute name.
Clarence: This strange species can be found on "Yogurtastic Nebtown Parck"
Clarence: In this trip trough Nebtown facility we will focus on this uniqe race, called "Kattis Buildus"
Clarence: The Katringa spends most of his real-life time in 3 places, they are:
Clarence: 1- Under her bed, looking for food for his AntLions
Clarence: 2- Sitting in a chair, infront of a computer
Clarence: and finnally, but not less important, 3- Inside Nebual´s bed of "DOOM"
Clarence: Notice that the "DOOM" word is an ALIAS for the world love
Clarence: This word is forbidden at Nebtowns Enrichment and Soup Center becouse of it plans of world domination
Clarence: I am sorry, but i´m not supossed to tell the exact plans of this marvellous company
Clarence: Anyways, lets continue trough this hall please, no photos at this point
Clarence: This place is meant to be seen as the exact reproduction of the virtual-life of Katringas
Clarence: Here you can see what she does, who she speacks to, and lots of other amazing stuff
Clarence: Most of the time she is Nocliping in the air, without moving, with a big E2 advice at her head
Clarence: or just creating something complicated to make a watermelon go SPLAT
Clarence: knowing that a crowbar will work exactly the same
Clarence: At this Life-size representation, we can see Kat talking to an usual Nebtowner
Clarence: this Nebtowner is, nothing else than Fractal
Clarence: they usually discuss Neabuals creations, or Political issues
Clarence: but in this case, we have a unusual talk record, listen carefully please
Clarence: Kat: Look at this! Furries!!!!1!
Clarence: Fractal: Fuck! Wheres my *binded to kill button"?
Clarence: Fractal is dead
Clarence: It was a pretty simple talk
Clarence: but it left us speechless didnt it
Clarence: Lets continue please
Clarence: Sir you cant put that inside the Statues mouth
Clarence: now
Clarence: we are aproaching to the wild area of the Nebtown Facillity
Clarence: you shouldnt worry about the animals
Clarence: they are inside this huge cage just like us
Clarence: and if someone need help just call my assistan, Hugo, he is the one with the shotgun
Clarence: Oh look! a Shark Ragdoll!
Clarence: ok i will continue
Clarence: those ragdolls are left-overs of a now exilied nebtowner called "NatronBlood"
Clarence: he spent his entire life programming an E2 that gave life to the sharks
Clarence: and when he got succsesful, he disapierd
Clarence: i was present that day
Clarence: at first i tought it was a complot of the Nebcorp to steal that amazing chip
Clarence: but then the Nebcorp made a visit to my home and explained what happened
Clarence: I dont want to talk about what happened to Natron or how they made me understand
Clarence: lets contienue again please
Clarence: this is the entrance of the Old sector of the facillity
Clarence: at the dore we can see a huge statue of Nebual, holding an amazing toolgun on his hand, representing the battle of the Particles and how did Nebual created an E2 eraser to finish them off
Clarence: Sir i already told you to not put that inside statues mouths
Clarence: a few months ago, we could go inside this sector of the facility
Clarence: but some incidents with fungus containing made it imposible to survive there, as GlaDOS filled it with a funny smelling gas
Clarence: yes she did
Clarence: and fungus are uncontainable
Clarence: we are aproaching to the finish of this guide trhough this amazing mind
Clarence: filled of secrets, and labrinths, and jelly
Clarence: SHUT UP
Clarence: erase the mind of katringa and put the Facillity of Nebtown
Clarence: and change the last mind for establishment
Clarence: i will contienue a lil bit more
Clarence: This is the souvenier shop, you can grab anything you want, only if you pay it, of course
Clarence: here you have small statues, Sir you should stop that again
Clarence: puff gravity guns
Clarence: the todays top product is "Eau deu GlaDOS"
Clarence: a french perfume filled with lethal gas
Clarence: i hope everyone enjoyed todays visit
Clarence: i wish i could stay more with you, you were an amazing group to guide, exept of the statue obsessed guy
Clarence: you should get yourselfe analized
Clarence: bye everyone
Clarence: have a nice flight
Clarence: THE END
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